Monitoring the environment of man-made lakes: what can fisheries data and models tell us?

This subproject (reg. no. A/CZ0046/2/0029) is supported from the EEA/Norway grants and the Czech Republic state budget by means of the Research Support Fund:

Updated time schedule of the subproject can be found here.

Fund's Results Indicators (4th PIR, as of 31 December 2010)

Indicator Predicted Current (3rd PIR)
Number of publications of results in prestigious journals (impacted, indexed or reviewed) 2 3
Sub-project with innovative approaches Yes Yes
Sub-project lead by female expert (one of leading positions) Yes Yes*
Sub-project lead by young expert (one of leading positions; not older than 35 yrs at the moment of application) No No
Sub-project lead by regional entity (applicant with seat outside of Prague or regional partner in one of leading positions) Yes Yes
Number of organizations supported (applicant and partners) 2 2
Number of R&D events supported (active participation at public seminars, conferences, exhibitions) 3 5**
Other values:
R&D transfer of two different types of ecological/evolutionary models developed at IMR to study the consequences of fish exploitation 2 2***
1 international symposium and 3 workshops/seminars organized 4 4****
1-2 expert exchanges between teams 1 5*****

* Female sub-project assistant in charge of the symposium and dissemination of results has has been hired in April 2010.

** R&D events:

- presentation of the subproject and its main aims during the public stakeholder meeting "Čistá voda pro naše deti (Clean water for our children)", 19 March 2010, Frymburk, CZ (D. Boukal and J. Kubečka)

- oral presentations of two scientific contributions "Modelování vlivu selektivního rybolovu na populace sladkovodních ryb: co víme a kam směřujeme? (Modelling the impact of selective fishing on freshwater fish populations: what do we know and where do we go next?)" and "Selektivní chování rybářů jako hlavní činitel mezidruhových korelací identifikovaných v dlouhodobých datech rybářských statistik (Selective behaviour of anglers as the main driver of interspecific correlations in long-term fisheries statistics)", XIIth Czech ichthyological conference (with international participation), 19-20 May 2010, Vodňany, CZ (D. Boukal and M. Jankovský)

- oral presentation of scientific contribution "Anglers' catches vs. real fishstock in Czech reservoirs", Fishery Dependent Information Conference, 23-26 August 2010, Galway, Ireland (M. Jankovský)

- oral presentation of scientific contribution "On the interplay of environmental change and fishing pressure in exploited fish populations", ICES Annual Sceince Conference, 20-24 September 2010, Nantes, France (D. Boukal)

- oral presentation of six scientific contributions "Interplay of environmental changes and fishing pressure in exploited fish populations", "Case study of presumed pikeperch collapse in Lake Lipno", "How can I include stakeholders in my science?", "Assessing fish population dynamics with minimal data", "Stock-catch analyses of selected fish species in Czech reservoirs ", "Angler behaviour as possible driver of interspecific catches‘ synchrony", "Pikeperch abundance and population structure", "Structure and dynamics of fish assemblages in Rimov reservoir", DINFISH: Dynamics of Inland Fish and Fisheries, 13-16 September 2010, České Budějovice, CZ (D. Boukal, D. Dankel, M. Heino, M. Jankovský and M. Vašek)

*** Transfer of methods:

a) methods and know-how available from Partner A (Institute of Marine Research, Bergen) for the development of ecological model to study optimal exploitation strategies and stakeholder interactions (method to identify and classify stakeholders and their preferences; method to identify key system utilities; method to combine stakeholders and system utilities with ecological model of fish population dynamics in expert decision models)

b) methods and know-how available from Partner A for the development of models of fisheries-induced evolution in inland waters (method to set up the modelling framework and calibrate parameters; method to assess the impact of different fishing regimes on fish populations and key life history traits).

**** Seminars and sympozia:

Stakeholders na českých nádržích: jak co nejlépe obhospodařovat rybí obsádku na Lipně? / Stakeholders and the Czech lakes: what is the optimal management for the fish in Lipno Lake?, 3 September 2009, Horní Planá, Czech Republic.

CZE-NOR Bergen Workshop: modelling freshwater fish - collection and analyses of log book and survey data - management implications, 10 February 2010, Bergen, Norway.

DINFISH2010: Dynamics of Inland Fish and Fisheries, international symposium on objectives, models and data analyses for sustainable management, 13-16 September 2010, Biology Centre AS CR, České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

Closing workshop of the subproject Monitorování prostředí vodních nádrží: co nám mohou říci rybářská data a modely? / Monitoring the environment of man-made lakes: what can fisheries data and models tell us?, 16 December 2010, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech Republic.

***** Expert exchanges:

- In addition to collaborative sessions connected to the three workshops and DINFISH2010 symposium, we have organized five expert visits from the BC team to Bergen. The visits, covering 41 person-days in total, took place in August 2010 (D. Boukal, M. Jankovský, T. Stachová) and in December 2010 (D. Boukal, T. Stachová) and were dedicated to joint collaborations on data analyses and modelling (Activities 1-3).



Fund's Purpose Indicators (4th PIR, as of 31 December 2010)

Indicator Predicted Current (4th PIR)
Number of new grants / contract of partnerships between the Czech Republic and EEA EFTA countries 1 1
Number of products (e.g. methods, procedures, technologies) transferred (planned transfers) 2 2***
Set up number of new patents, prototypes and/or industrial applications(planned number) 0 0
Other values:
At least 2-3 publications in leading international journals on fisheries research 2 3#
Organisation of an international symposium and 3 presentations at other international/national conferences 4 4**
Guidance for future data collecting and expert advice on potential stakeholder conflicts in local fisheries 1 1##

# accepted manuscripts:
M. Jankovský, D.S. Boukal, K. Pivnička, J. Kubečka (in press) Tracing possible drivers of synchronously fluctuating species catches in individual logbook data. Fisheries Management and Ecology.
M. Jankovský, K. Pivnička (accepted) Angler fishing strategies at different reservoirs in the Czech Republic assessed from fishery statistics (1988–2007). Acta Universitatis Carolinae Environmentalica.
M. Vašek, T. Jůza, M. Čech, M. Kratochvíl, M. Prchalová, J. Frouzová, M. Říha, M. Tušer, J. Seďa and J. Kubečka (accepted) The occurrence of non-native tubenose goby Proterorhinus semilunaris in the pelagic age-0 fish assemblage of a Central European reservoir. Journal of Fish Biology.

## given as presentations during the closing workshop of the subproject Monitorování prostředí vodních nádrží: co nám mohou říci rybářská data a modely? / Monitoring the environment of man-made lakes: what can fisheries data and models tell us?, 16 December 2010, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech Republic.